It was an absolutely beautiful day! I enjoyed the run and my foot was pain free (injury from the record breaking marathon!).
I called my sister before I headed out and she put a water bottle in her mail box for me. She and her husband live 4 miles away (read) my own personal water stop!
The goal was 10 miles. However, adding and working out milage while on the to impossible!
I made it back home at 9.35 miles, and I'm alright with that. I really didn't feel like looping the neighborhood for the sake of a little more distance. And once you get so inflexible with your self, the fun of the run is lost!
This run did show me that it is time to pick it up on the long runs. I felt pretty good, but closing in on 2 months to the race, its time to put my head down and attack some hills!
Amy K.
Hi, just wanted to say I really enjoy your blog! It's both interesting and inspiring! Keep it up :)