About Me

Welcome to Running Paris!

This About Me section is a little on the descriptive side. For the cliffsnote version, skip to the bullets at the bottom of the page ;)

Participating in the Paris Marathon has always been a dream of mine (Actually to just visit Paris has been on the top of my bucket list ever since I ate my first crepe, in my high school french class)! 

While I was enjoying that fabulous crepe, the thought of running a marathon was definitely not on my mind. Growing up I was alway very active and participated in just about every sport under the sun. My Freshman year of high school, I was a sprinter on the track team. The summer before my Sophomore year I thought a good way to stay in shape for track was to join the cross country. The only problem was..I didn't think I could run 3 miles!

That summer, my dad and I would go running in the evenings and work our way from a mile, up to 3 miles. I loved cross country, but I never ran more then 4 or 5 miles while training. I went to Auburn University for my undergrad and randomly decided to run the Chicago Marathon! 

I had a blast training, I remember when every long run, was the furthest I had ever run before!

Since then I have completed some half marathons including: Atlanta, San Francisco, Athens, and Nashville. With a few triathlons sprinkled in :)

While working on my masters at the University of Georgia, I trained for and ran the Disney Marathon. I shocked the world (or maybe just my immediate family!) by running it in 3:54:26!! 

I am in the last semester of my masters program and interning in Atlanta. The opportunity came up to participate in the Paris Marathon and travel with a group from Marathon Tours. I ran Disney in January and am trying to maintain fitness and milage until April. Check out my training schedule located in the Training Plan tab!

The Girls on the Run mission is really inspiring to me. Growing up and being involved in sports has really shaped who I am. It is so important for young girls to develop self esteem and good body image. There are too many forces out there telling them they are not good enough. And throw in training for and participating in a 5K!! Amazing.

Cliffsnotes: About Me

  • Love Paris...and crepes!
  • Took A LOT of training to work myself up to running a marathon.
  • Auburn University Alum!
  • First marathon: Chicago Marathon 4:38:50
  • Second marathon: Disney Marathon 3:54:26
  • Raising money for Girls on the Run Atlanta, you can help by donating here!

1 comment:

  1. wow!! YOu rock! I don't think I could ever do a marathon but you have several under your belt! That is awesome! So inspiring! thehealthyapron
